services-img's skills










QA Automation


Ruby / Rails


UX / Design



Movadex team has built Uprice in 2018, offering their expertise in UX/UI design and app development. Two years forward, the app hit 50k+ downloads bringing a unique financial experience to users from all over the world.

Uprice is a smart currency converter that provides the most accurate conversion based on different indicators. The application also allows you to find out the exchange rate without connecting to the network, and quickly find out the price of the product in a convenient currency by simply scanning the price tags.

Branding phase:
Branding department at Movadex conducted primary market analysis identifying the perfect fit for typography, style, color palette, and branding guidelines in order to ensure the app delivers the message of innovation and smart technology just from a quick look at the logo. The tools used included Photoshop and Illustrator.

Design phase:
Movadex team of designers created the ultimate vision for the product using an agile iterative workflow. The process involved: product market research, user journey mapping, wireframing, flowcharting, and prototyping. The primary tools used were Figma, Principle, Whimsical.

iOS & Android development phase:
Once the design of the project was finalized, the team took over the process by initiating server-side development. The 5-member team of middle and senior developers led by the fintech-seasoned tech lead utilized Swift, Java, Alamofire, Retrofit, and Xcode to push Uprice to production and deliver the product 1.5x faster than planned.

Management & QA phase:
Before releasing the app, Movadex team offered quality assurance in order to guarantee the flawless performance of the app. While the management team continued to ensure that the uploading and releasing processes were smooth and bug-free.

Movadex has built their expertise in fintech products offering world-class design and development services to more than 20+ trusted customers in the field.

Don’t miss a chance to receive consulting, branding, design, development services all in one package from internationally-recognized leaders in the space.

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